Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Easy triceps workout

1. Conventional Triceps Push-Up

Assume a regular Push-Up position, but place your hands close together and below shoulder level—between your chest and your neck—to target your triceps.

2. Reversed Hands Atop the Med Ball

Performing Push-Ups with your hands on a med ball or basketball also strengthens your hands and wrists—essential for pushing off and blocking in football and passing in basketball.

3. Med Ball Version

Assume the Push-Up position with your hands close together atop a med ball or basketball. This variation not only forces your triceps to work harder, but also improves balance and core stabilization, since your hands are on an unstable surface.

4.Toes on the Swiss Ball

Another more challenging variation. Start in a push-up position with your hands close together on the floor and your toes elevated on the Swiss ball. As in the previous version, your core and triceps muscles (and other upper-body muscles) are all tested during this movement with your feet on the unstable ball. For even more of a challenge, perform the movement with one foot off the ball.